
Thursday 4 July 2019



'The eyes are the window to the soul.'

'You shall judge them by their fruits.'

Mein Kampf written aged 34 in prison

'You shall judge them by their fruits.'

Magical Diary written aged 34 in asylum

'You shall judge them by their fruits.'

Churchill's Second World War
(the territorial war)

'You shall judge them by their fruits.'

St. John's Third World War
(the spiritual war)


St. John's Evangel


Romer's Prophesy

Hitler: from vagabond to statesman

Romer: from bum to lawgiver

Romer with an unintentional Hitler moustache

Romer with an intentional Hitler moustache

What is the 
Jewish Question?

Did the Jewish God
sin against Mother

What is the Solution to 
the Jewish Question?

The Final Solution
to the Jewish Question
was to exterminate them.

The Definitive Solution 
to the Jewish Question
is to love them.

Indeed, Jewels inverted
karma because their
preservation and growth
required it; they had
no choice in the

Without adversity,
the Chosen/Scapegoat
People will flounder
as a race.

The Final Solution
was my most 
appalling act
as Hitler but
the most appealing
to Judaism.

In any case,
I Tom Romer
am the winning
bloodline: I survived
an entire bloodline
holocaust and 

As proof of
my bloodline
purity, I had
an orgasm of
clear urine
in my magical
cup or Holy Grail.

Skin tone measures fornication
in a bloodline. The darker the skin,
the more the fornication.

Sex dirties bloodline
making naggers out
of men.

But, more to the point,
I am a psychotic nutjob,
loser, and internet

The white man
rambles on.

What lesson
have I learnt
since being

The price
of heaven
is hell; the
to heaven
leads to the
highway to
hell, meaning
that the only
salvation is
to embrace
as victory

I have come
to realise that
there is an aim
higher than
power, which
is immortality;
to integrate
eternity on 
a soul level,
or fear.

Like Hitler,
my aim is also
the reemergence
of Rome.

I have chosen
Great Britain
as my homeland
because it is the
birthplace of modernity
and modern technology
and, as such, has to be
the source of the 
saving power.

My legal ancestors 
on my father's side
were also Britons
to whom I owe
my name of Romer
and my family motto:
agere aut pati
fortiter romanum
est, to act or
suffer strongly
is the Roman

I have followed
in their footsteps
by becoming a
natural lawyer
who sits to the
right of the chief
occultist Oliver
St. John.

My favourite forebear, Lord Justice Romer

I haven't
since I was

I still stride
two lands,
France and
England as
opposed to
Austria and
I refuse to
drive or to
get a job;
I continue
to fart a lot
and nastily;
and, last
but not least,
 I have the 
luck of 
the Devil.

Tom Romer, the ex-Adolf Hitler,
was that proverbial one Jew
who was murdered six million
times in a psychic holocaust.

I'm still a smelly old fart.

Now for the
bad news.

What is the
ideal of The
Fourth Reich?

Inanity itself
for anything more
than nothingness
will cause a

the solution
to minorities
is to ignore them
because persecuting
them only strengthens
their cause.

I invite my
men to act with
integrity and to
kill with kindness;
in so doing, we will
 come to be trusted
and the more trusted
we are the more power
will come into our hands
in sheer revolt against
Western decadence.

What do 
we want?

To be hard
and pure.

Adolf Hitler
= Lord Romer
= Hard and Pure
= Totality
=  154

when A = 5, B = 6, C = 7...
Z = 30 (A having 5 angles
in the same way that 1 has 1
angle, 2 has 2 angles, 3 has 3
angles etc. in original Arabic script).

In Star War terms,
the Jedi Question is:
did the Jedi invert
the love of the 
Sith with fear?

Did the Jedi
reject the
side of the
Force out
of cowardice?

Do the Jedi
favour the
many over
the few
out of

What is the
Solution to the
Jedi Question?

The Definitive
Solution to the
Jedi Question is
to love the Jedi
because persecuting
them only strengthens
their cause.

Roman persecution
of Christians helped
Christianity and Nazi
persecution of Jews
helped Judaism.

Our ideal as
Sith is inanity
itself: that life
is nothingness is
the best kept secret,
veiled by countless

Life is nothingness
means that life aims
at nothing and achieves
nothing; she is mere
oddity, an I know not.

Ultimately, the
greatest ambition
of force-users has
always been to
discover the
secret of

That ambition
has been met:
is gained
by way of
and selflessness,
may be fully integrated.

Eternal recurrence
means that our lives
as we have lived and
continue to live them
repeat infinitely and
identically such
that time is

Sith Pupil
Lord Romer

to his
Sith Master
Lord St. John.